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Team Converse

Economic Development Staff

Executive Director

Kat Lallo

Assistant Director

Danny Lee

Economic Development Specialist

Wendi Higby

Admin Assistant

Guiding Principles

Ethics & Integrity

Servant Leadership


Community Focus


Collaborative Leadership

Results Oriented

We strive to be honest, transparent, and accountable for our actions, no matter the challenges or obstacles present.

We choose to think of others first and make decisions that best serve the community. We are committed to helping, and if we cannot do it ourselves, we will find someone who can.

We positively and passionately utilize our expertise and talents to move the work forward. We rise above the politics of our environment.

We are dedicated to improving our community.

We strive to be a catalyst for change, knowing that the path to success is paved with failures. We don not seek failure, but when we encounter it we learn from it and pivot.

Our organization is built upon the principals of collaboration. The future of our work is not dependent upon one person; therefore, we convene, connect, facilitate, and catalyze. 

We are driven to have an impact in our community and will do so by setting goals and adopting strategies that are trackable and measurable. 

Get Connected

If you have questions, we can help!

(888) 984-5020