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Business Retention & Expansion

Resourcing and supporting small business growth is crucial for a local economy. Small businesses are vital engines of job creation, reducing unemployment rates and improving individual and family finances. Their agility fosters innovation, encouraging competition and attracting diverse businesses to the area. Additionally, small businesses reinvest profits locally, leading to better public services and improved infrastructure, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of life for residents. Supporting small businesses is a strategic investment in community well-being and economic resilience.

The following projects are planned to begin during the noted FY Quarter with anticipated completion dates in parenthesis.

Q1: October - December 2023

BR&E Strategy (September 2024)

Work with a consultant to develop a strategic plan for business retention and expansion that builds on the organization’s current successes and identifies new opportunities to serve Converse businesses.

SizeUp (September 2024)

Onboard this business intelligence tool and implement a business engagement plan.

Q2: January - March 2024

Business Training (September 2024)

Develop and implement a plant to host entrepreneur and business training workshops for local and regional businesses.

Q3: April - June 2024

Annual Business Luncheon (September 2024)

Reinstate the annual business recognition luncheon. The luncheon is scheduled for September 18, 2024.